French sentence structure with Jodie Foster speaking French

I’ve been asked several times for my reactions to Jodie Foster speaking French, but I had a problem.

Her French is excellent.

So instead of picking out mistakes, I’ve chosen what she is doing super well to teach you some French sentence structures, French expressions, and the different ways you can say things in French.

Celebrities speaking French provide us with a great opportunity to learn more French in real life situations. Jodie Foster's French is practically perfect, so this is a wonderful chance. Get your vocabulary notebook out and settle in…

#1 - French coach reacts to Jodie Foster speaking French

In this interview, Jodie Foster speaks in French about being a child star, and discusses her roles as an actress and film director.

If you like this video, click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I make new videos regularly about what it takes to become a French speaker.

#2 - French coach reacts to Jodie Foster speaking French

Jodie Foster is interviewed in French at the Palme d’Or. Even though she has not practiced French for a while, her skills are so good she can correct her own gender mistakes!

#3 - French coach reacts to Jodie Foster speaking French

In this interview we have examples of all four relative pronouns.

Your next steps

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About the author

Angel Pretot is a French learning coach. He helps English speakers from all over the world learn French fast and become fluent. You can work with him one-on-one (online via skype or a similar software) or join a global community of French learners in his group program the French Fluency Accelerator.

Jodie Foster speaks amazing French. Thanks to her, you’ll get to learn advanced French grammar structure and useful French vocabulary that you can reuse in your own French learning practice. Learn French sentence structure from Jodie Foster and French coach Angel Pretot.

Jodie Foster speaks amazing French. Thanks to her, you’ll get to learn advanced French grammar structure and useful French vocabulary that you can reuse in your own French learning practice. Learn French sentence structure from Jodie Foster and French coach Angel Pretot.

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