25 affirmations for successful French learning

in English and French

I have cooked up a powerful affirmation track for successful French learning, just for you. This little track is more powerful than you think.

Perhaps you are familiar with the practice of affirmations or declarations. It consists in repeating a positive sentence until your subconscious mind accepts it as the truth, and therefore manifests it in real life. If you’ve tried this technique, you know that the results can be hit or miss.

Learn French while you manifest - and manifest speaking French

If you affirm “I speak perfect French” & you affirm it in English, it does little for your actual French skills. But if you affirm it in French, out loud & you practice your grammar & pronunciation in the meantime, now we’re talking. Pun intended.

So in this track, I’ve created 25 powerful affirmations that will help you not only get your subconscious on board, but also practice a variety of grammar structures and the whole of French pronunciation.

Practice every day until you are confident

You will hear each sentence twice, both in English & French, and you will have enough time after each repetition to practice repeating the sentence. I recommend practicing these sentences everyday until you are a fully confident French speaker. You can also find the affirmations below the video.

If you like this video, click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I make new videos regularly for you to learn all about French language & culture and how you too can become a French speaker.

The affirmations contained in this video:

1. I practice speaking French everyday.

Je pratique mon français chaque jour.

2. Practicing speaking French makes me confident.
Pratiquer mon français me rend confiant (masc) / confiante (fem)

3. I speak French with confidence.
Je parle français avec confiance.

4. It is easy for me to speak French in any circumstance.
C’est facile pour moi de parler français en toute circonstance.

5. I am never afraid of speaking French.

Je n’ai jamais peur de parler français.

6. I trust my ability to communicate in French as soon as I need to.

J’ai confiance en ma capacité à communiquer en français dès que j’en ai besoin.

7. I know I can speak French at any time.
Je sais que je peux parler français à tout moment.

8. I don’t believe that speaking French is difficult.

Je ne crois pas que parler français soit difficile.

9. I am able to learn all the words I need, when I need them.
Je suis capable d’apprendre tous les mots dont j’ai besoin, quand j’en ai besoin.

10. I speak French with no effort.
Je parle français sans effort.

11. I easily remember the words I wish to use.

Je me souviens facilement des mots que je souhaite employer.

12. I am very gifted in regards to the French language.
Je suis très doué.e pour le français.

13. My French skills create many new options for me.

Mon français m’ouvre beaucoup de nouvelles possibilités.

14. I can travel in all the French speaking countries of the world, without fear.
Je peux voyager dans tous les pays francophones du monde, sans peur.

15. In Europe, in Africa and in Canada, I can always communicate in French.
En Europe, En Afrique et Au Canada, je peux toujours communiquer en français.

16. My French friends are impressed by my progress.
Mes amis français sont impressionnés par mes progrès.

17. I am happy that I made so much progress in French.
Je suis heureux (masc) / heureuse (fem) d’avoir beaucoup progressé en français.

18. Thanks to my excellent French, I can get a more interesting job.
Grâce à mon très bon français, je peux obtenir un travail plus intéressant.

19. I can express myself in French with ease.
Je peux m’exprimer en français avec aise.

20. French speakers love to speak with me.
Les francophones adorent parler avec moi.

21. I am creating many new friendships, thanks to my French skills.
Je me fais beaucoup de nouveaux amis, grâce à mon français.

22. It is true that I make a few mistakes, but it doesn’t matter.
C’est vrai que je fais quelques erreurs, mais ce n’est pas grave.

23. Speaking French allows me to better understand the world.
Parler français me permet de mieux comprendre le monde.

24. I trust myself when I speak French.
J’ai confiance en moi quand je parle français.

25. Speaking French makes my life more interesting.
Parler français rend ma vie plus intéressante.

I recommend you practice this again tomorrow. Please let me know in the comments how you like the practice and the kind of results you experience. I look forward to continuing this conversation with you in the comment section! In the meantime, if you enjoy this type of holistic learning, here is a playlist with many other techniques I use with my students.

Your next steps

If you like this way of learning French, you will love to learn with me as a student or client. Please check out:

Pro tip: you don’t need to choose!

All my 1-1 clients are invited to join the French Accelerator free of charge.

Feel free to book a call with me now to discuss options.

About the Authors:

Angel Pretot is a French learning coach. He works online with English speakers from all over the world, helping them learn French fast and become fluent.
You can work with him, in his one-on-one program the French Transformation, take some of his self-study courses,  or  join a global community of French learners in his group program the French Fluency Accelerator.  

Linda Unger is an avid French Learner who dreams of having a stone house in Bretagne someday. She also loves writing, knitting and dogs. She joined the French Fluency team as a writer in 2020.

Affirmations for successful French learning. French language affirmations are the best French learning tool. Not only they reset your mind for more love, confidence, abundance (or anything you want!) but they also help you learn French in the meantime. Collect hundreds of pins with French sentences and learn French vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure while you manifest all your dreams.

Affirmations for successful French learning. French language affirmations are the best French learning tool. Not only they reset your mind for more love, confidence, abundance (or anything you want!) but they also help you learn French in the meantime. Collect hundreds of pins with French sentences and learn French vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure while you manifest all your dreams.

Affirmations for successful French learning. French language affirmations are the best French learning tool. Not only they reset your mind for more love, confidence, abundance (or anything you want!) but they also help you learn French in the meantime. Collect hundreds of pins with French sentences and learn French vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure while you manifest all your dreams.

Affirmations for successful French learning. French language affirmations are the best French learning tool. Not only they reset your mind for more love, confidence, abundance (or anything you want!) but they also help you learn French in the meantime. Collect hundreds of pins with French sentences and learn French vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure while you manifest all your dreams.

Affirmations for successful French learning. French language affirmations are the best French learning tool. Not only they reset your mind for more love, confidence, abundance (or anything you want!) but they also help you learn French in the meantime. Collect hundreds of pins with French sentences and learn French vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure while you manifest all your dreams.

Affirmations for successful French learning. French language affirmations are the best French learning tool. Not only they reset your mind for more love, confidence, abundance (or anything you want!) but they also help you learn French in the meantime. Collect hundreds of pins with French sentences and learn French vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure while you manifest all your dreams.

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