25 bilingual affirmations for success and love in English and French
Bilingual affirmations are even more powerful than monolingual affirmations. Your conscious mind is focusing on the way to say things in French, so it is out of the way of your subconscious, while your new beliefs are installed.
How to use bilingual affirmations
Like any affirmations, it is recommended to repeat them every day, or to sprinkle them in your environment. You can decide to use all 25 or only pick a couple that most resonate with you. No matter how you use them, it will also improve your French, as the language is learned by practicing pronunciation & sentence structures, and being in touch with it daily.
This track contains 25 affirmations to allow more love and success into your life, and release your limiting beliefs in those areas. I will repeat them twice, and I will leave enough time after each French sentence for you to repeat them.
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The affirmations contained in this video:
1. I am both successful and loved.
J’ai beaucoup de succès et je suis très aimé.
2. My partners, my lovers and my family are deeply interested in my success.
Mes partenaires, mes amant.e.s et ma famille s’intéressent beaucoup à mon succès.
3. The more successful I am, the more love I receive.
Plus j’ai de succès et plus je reçois d’amour.
4. Being loved is my birth right.
Être aimé.é est mon droit le plus strict.
5. I am worthy of love and success.
Je suis digne d’amour et de succès.
6. I am healthy, wealthy and loved.
Je suis en bonne santé, riche, et aimé.e.
7. I empower those who love me to be as successful as I am.
J’inspire ceux qui m’aiment pour qu’ils aient autant de succès que moi.
8. My loved ones admire and praise my success.
Mes proches admirent et complimentent mon succès.
9. My success breeds love and my love breeds success.
Mon succès entraîne l’amour et mon amour entraîne le succès.
10. My love is returned to me tenfold.
Mon amour me revient décuplé.
11. I celebrate success with my loved ones everyday.
Je célèbre le succès avec mes proches chaque jour.
12. I am surrounded by more and more loving people.
Je suis entouré.e par de plus en plus de personnes aimantes.
13. When I show up with love, I am successful.
Quand j’agis avec amour, je rencontre le succès.
14. When they see me, the right people love me instantly.
Quand elles me voient, les bonnes personnes m’aiment instantanément.
15. I am loved by people of all genders.
Je suis aimé.e par des personnes de tous les genres.
16. I am loved by women / men / non-binary people.
Je suis aimé.e par les femmes, les hommes, les personnes non-binaires.
17. I shine far and bright and the right people are attracted to me.
Mon succès est éblouissant, et les bonnes personnes sont attirées vers moi.
18. I effortlessly attract the right people to me.
J’attire à moi les bonnes personnes sans effort.
19. I am rich, abundant and loved.
Je suis riche, abondant.e et aimé.e.
20. My gifts are appreciated by more and more people.
Mes talents sont appréciés par des personnes toujours plus nombreuses.
21. The universe wants to shower me with success and love and I gracefully accept.
L’univers désire me couvrir d’amour et de succès et je les reçois avec grâce.
22. I am dedicated to growth. Therefore, I will keep receiving more and more love and success.
Je suis dévoué à mon expansion. C’est pourquoi je vais recevoir de plus en plus d’amour et de succès.
23. I am loved.
Je suis aimé.
24. I am successful.
J’ai beaucoup de succès.
25. Everyday, loving people are gathered around me.
Chaque jour, des personnes aimantes sont autour de moi.
Repeat all these affirmations everyday, or choose a few that resonate with you. What are your favourite affirmations? Let me know in the comments.
By the way, this is my third affirmation track, and on this channel we also have meditations to learn French. They work wonders in combination with affirmations.
Your next steps
If you like this way of learning French, you will love to learn with me as a student or client. Please check out:
My 1-1 coaching program, The French Transformation, if you need to improve your French fast.
My group program, The French Fluency Accelerator, if you’d like to join a community of students from all over the world. We have weekly practice calls together and the best online video library to learn French.
Pro tip: you don’t need to choose!
All my 1-1 clients are invited to join the French Accelerator free of charge.
Feel free to book a call with me now to discuss options.
About the Authors:
Angel Pretot is a French learning coach. He works online with English speakers from all over the world, helping them learn French fast and become fluent.
You can work with him, in his one-on-one program the French Transformation, take some of his self-study courses, or join a global community of French learners in his group program the French Fluency Accelerator.
Linda Unger is an avid French Learner who dreams of having a stone house in Bretagne someday. She also loves writing, knitting and dogs. She joined the French Fluency team as a writer in 2020.