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Are you sure you want to follow me?
There are 3 things you need to know about me before you continue.
If that works for you, great. Otherwise, it’s better to unsubscribe.
I believe in a better world
I believe we should learn languages to foster cross-cultural understanding, promote equal rights and discover ideas that expand our horizons.
2. I don’t shy away from unconventional techniques
Let’s be honest: mainstream methods don’t work.
To learn French, you need to change how your brain works, at a deep level.
To help you achieve this, I am constantly innovating, creating more efficient techniques using meditation, subconscious reprogramming, etc.,
If that’s too unconventional or “woo-woo” for you, it’s better to unsubscribe.
3. I sell courses and programs
I will always be making helpful content for free.
You can also buy leading-edge courses and programs from me, that you won’t see anywhere else.
Making these programs is my job.
There’s no obligation to buy any of my programs ever. But if you think I should never charge for anything and just work full time for free, it’s better to unsubscribe.
Why follow me?
Follow me if you are ready to really learn French and become a true citizen of the world.
If you’re not afraid of trying new things and having your beliefs challenged along the way.
You can start here and now.
I have created a very special offer, that’s only available now, to welcome you into my world.