French Fluency

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Mastering French Pronunciation 🗣

17 secret techniques to be understood in two weeks

Break free from frustration, improve your speech, and be easily understood thanks to these unique techniques - selected by a seasoned native French learning coach, especially for English speakers.

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 Do you struggle with being understood?

Perhaps you have learned a lot of French already, but the speaking part falls short.

If you can’t pronounce French words correctly, you can’t communicate.  Simple as that.

And you know it. So, you practice over and over, but you still feel like you don’t get it, and are afraid you never will.

Like you, millions of French learners struggle to pronounce the language, and can’t be understood. 

And if you don’t find a solution, you won’t become a French speaker and many avenues will remain closed off to you.  

  • You’ll be in a bus station unable to ask for a schedule.

  • You’ll get the wrong dish in a restaurant.

  • You’ll be sitting with friends wishing you could contribute to the conversation.

    You know you don’t want that.

You probably tried to improve your pronunciation already.

Have you tried the speaking exercises in apps like Duolingo?

If so, you know how frustrating they are.
When you get them wrong, your only option is to keep trying.  

There is no explanation for how to pronounce, you just have to keep repeating. 

You’re on your own.

It’s understandable, if you want to give up.

Those French sounds are just too weird.  You can’t wrap your mouth around them. 

If you’ve never made those sounds, you just don’t know how to do it.

And no one is showing you.

Even more frustrating - you were once able to do it!

Every baby starts by making the sounds of every language - and so did you!

But you quickly gave up on the sounds that don’t exist in your native language, and forgot all about them.

The good news is: you have everything you need to actually pronounce those French sounds.

The bad news is: you have trained yourself out of it, and now you can’t.

Not without specific guidance.

And some claim that they can make you sound like a native - but they don’t show you how!

Truth be told, sounding like a native would be really hard.

Here’s the good news though: you don’t need to sound like a native.

You just need to pronounce French well enough so you’ll be understood easily. 

And they’ll love your cute accent!

All you need is someone to show you how to make those sounds.

And then you need to practice until it’s automatic - which doesn’t take all that long. Typically, my students learn to do it in 1-2 weeks.

In this course, I show you how to make each and every sound.  One by one.

You will learn how to shape your mouth and tongue, and use your nose and throat to make these sounds.

Only then will you try to make them.

Are you ready?

Mastering French Pronunciation gives you the methods you need to practice pronouncing French, until it’s second nature.

Starting today, you’ll have all the tools to pronounce French perfectly.

No more searching the internet for how to make French sounds.

When you finish the course you’ll pronounce French effortlessly.

All the French you have learned so far will become easy to use in conversation.

You’ll finally get to enjoy your bilingual life!

What’s included in Mastering French Pronunciation:

The basics: 

  • Why French is so different from English

  • Why so many English speakers have a terrible accent when speaking French and how to avoid it

  • How to reclaim the French sounds you could make as a baby

  • How to train your muscles to pronounce French

  • What to watch out for when practicing with other websites or apps

  • Simple explanations for complex phonetic terms

  • How to practice French pronunciation with songs and have fun doing it

Exercises to pronounce each French sound demonstrated by a native French learning coach, including:

  • The French R (two easy exercises to practice it)

  • Difficult French vowels (é, è, u, eu, an, in, on etc.)

  • Contrasting exercises for all similar sounds

  • A 10-minute bonus sound file for routine practice

  • Easy tongue twisters including words you’ll use in everyday life.

  • 6 ways to practice more

  • Links to French karaoke

Bonus: French spelling

  • Why French spelling is so complex

  • The political and historical reasons why spelling and pronunciation are such a mess.

  • How and why the Latin alphabet bends over backward to spell French.

  • French spelling quirks

  • How spelling and pronunciation quirks can help you learn vocabulary

The only way to learn to pronounce French correctly is to have someone show you each sound one by one and practice them until it’s second nature. 

This course does just that. You’ll be pronouncing French perfectly with a little daily practice for 2 weeks - and it’s a single payment away.

Your alternative is to pay for a subscription to an app and try to keep repeating sentences, hoping you’ll accidentally get it. 

If you don’t know how to place your mouth, you're out of luck. 

If the app is not calibrated for your accent, you’re out of luck.  

And unfortunately, it’s in the app’s best interest to keep you using it.

It’s probably not an accident that they don’t tell you how to pronounce. 

Contrary to this course, most apps are not designed for native English speakers. 

They just ask you to magically sound like a native French speaker. 

You can’t just sound like a French native, and you don’t need to!

Natives are much more forgiving than an app can ever be - and they’ll love your accent!

But you may never know this if you stay stuck for years using and paying for an app.

As soon as you enroll, you’ll get access to the entire course, and you can start practicing right away.

Even better, you’ll have access to the course forever. You can revisit it anytime.

The course includes:

- all lessons in both video and audio format (great to listen to when driving)

- a 20 page handout for fast review

- a sound file which you can download and use for your daily ten-minute practice

Ready to get started? 

Your Instructor

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Hi, I’m Angel Pretot & I will be your coach on this journey.

After a master’s degree and 15 years of teaching and coaching French learners, I’m still obsessed with improving the methods I use. I love seeing my students learn faster and better, and create wonderful French lives for themselves.

Other than that, I’m an actual Frenchman who loves cheese, coming from a monolingual French family who’s still wondering what’s wrong with me, moving abroad & learning five languages to fluency. I live in Vienna, Austria, and I have been through all the expat struggles - only with German.

I designed this course to solve the most common pronunciation issues that English speakers learning French have, including:

  • Finally pronouncing the dreaded French R (it’s really just a bit of muscle training, I show you how in the course),

  • Making sense of all the weird French vowels (nasals or not), and placing your mouth to form them easily

  • Understanding that, actually, French speakers who learn English have it worse. 😂 Have you ever listened to a former French president trying to pronounce English? For you, it only requires a few minutes of daily training for a couple of weeks. But these guys, they’re just hopeless! English phonetics is a lot more complex than French phonetics.

    So, if you’re ready to outperform almost every French politician at pronouncing a foreign language, click here to enroll now.

Any question? Email me at