Have you ever wondered why, no matter what you try to improve your French, you still can’t speak it?
You do everything you’re supposed to do...
Going to class, grammar exercises, flashcards, Duolingo… you name it.
And you still can’t hold a simple conversation.
Why is that?
Is it you?
Well, no.
Almost all French learners have this experience.
You are not alone.
Like you, millions of French learners are missing out on travel opportunities,
stimulating relationships, and empowering career moves.
When your dreams don’t come true, you’re not the only one who suffers.
Your children miss out on a cultural education, and your work can’t reach people who desperately need it.
The world misses out on millions of skilled charity workers, culturally-savvy business people, and cross-cultural families. All would foster kindness and cooperation rather than oppression and war.
It’s not your fault that you can’t speak French. And it’s not an accident either.
The mainstream methods are inept.
Books just gather dust and schools often can’t run their more advanced class because the beginner students get frustrated and quit.
They all suffer from the same flaw: none of them focus on speaking.
They’re just trying to stuff words into your brain without teaching you how to use them.
Best case scenario: you get good at guessing flashcards or filling in grammar exercises.
“Conversational” is just a buzzword.
What’s worse, by doing that, they compartmentalize your French study and train your brain NOT to use French outside of the study time.
This creates damaging neural pathways in your brain, and you lose your natural abilities to learn.
For some, their business model even depends on their inefficiency.
Duolingo won’t get investors if they don’t have good “user retention” (i.e you keep playing with the app, and you don’t learn to speak)
No wonder it isn’t working!
Your own goals aren’t even part of the plan.
Do you want to reach your goals, or theirs?
If you want to learn to speak French, you need to:
harness your brain’s natural learning capacities, (not shut them down!)
integrate French in your life (not compartmentalize it out!)
and focus on speaking (for heaven’s sake!!!)
With the French Life Launchpad, you will reveal your French life step by step.
It starts now. Tonight, you’ll have a clear French learning plan that’s tailored to your goals and needs.
Random clicking on the internet & trying hit or miss solutions will be a distant memory for you. From today on, you’ll always know what to do and how to do it.
When you finish this course, you will be capable of having conversations about what matters to you and you’ll be on track to becoming fluent and speaking in French whenever you want to.
Soon, you’ll be enjoying a fully bilingual life.
It will happen so fast.
This way of learning is so natural and straightforward that any other approach will seem nonsensical to you (because it is!)