French Fluency

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The French Life Launchpad 🚀

The life-changing method to become a French Speaker

Break free of frustration, speak fluent French rapidly and change your life thanks to 3 secrets they’ll never teach in schools.

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Have you ever wondered why, no matter what you try to improve your French, you still can’t speak it?

You do everything you’re supposed to do...

Going to class, grammar exercises, flashcards, Duolingo… you name it. 

And you still can’t hold a simple conversation.

Why is that?

Is it you? 

Well, no. 

Almost all French learners have this experience.

You are not alone. 

Like you, millions of French learners are missing out on travel opportunities,  

stimulating relationships, and empowering career moves.

When your dreams don’t come true, you’re not the only one who suffers.

Your children miss out on a cultural education, and your work can’t reach people who desperately need it.

The world misses out on millions of skilled charity workers, culturally-savvy business people, and cross-cultural families. All would foster kindness and cooperation rather than oppression and war.

It’s not your fault that you can’t speak French. And it’s not an accident either.

The mainstream methods are inept.

Books just gather dust and schools often can’t run their more advanced class because the beginner students get frustrated and quit.

They all suffer from the same flaw: none of them focus on speaking. 

They’re just trying to stuff words into your brain without teaching you how to use them.

Best case scenario: you get good at guessing flashcards or filling in grammar exercises.

“Conversational” is just a buzzword. 

What’s worse, by doing that, they compartmentalize your French study and train your brain NOT to use French outside of the study time.

This creates damaging neural pathways in your brain, and you lose your natural abilities to learn.

For some, their business model even depends on their inefficiency. 

Duolingo won’t get investors if they don’t have good “user retention” (i.e you keep playing with the app, and you don’t learn to speak) 

No wonder it isn’t working! 

Your own goals aren’t even part of the plan.

Do you want to reach your goals, or theirs?

If you want to learn to speak French, you need to:

  • harness your brain’s natural learning capacities, (not shut them down!) 

  • integrate French in your life (not compartmentalize it out!)

  • and focus on speaking (for heaven’s sake!!!)

With the French Life Launchpad, you will reveal your French life step by step.

It starts now. Tonight, you’ll have a clear French learning plan that’s tailored to your goals and needs. 

Random clicking on the internet & trying hit or miss solutions will be a distant memory for you. From today on, you’ll always know what to do and how to do it.

When you finish this course, you will be capable of having conversations about what matters to you and you’ll  be on track to becoming fluent and speaking in French whenever you want to.

Soon, you’ll be enjoying a fully bilingual life. 

It will happen so fast.

This way of learning is so natural and straightforward that any other approach will seem nonsensical to you (because it is!)

 What’s in the French Life Launchpad:

Harness your natural learning capacities:

  • How to learn French naturally, just like you learned English as a child.

  • How to stop your subconscious from rebelling: 3 do’s and 5 don’ts 

  • How to harness your brain’s habit forming mechanisms to learn French on autopilot

  • 7 examples of creative habits used & shared by actual students like you.

  • The 2 easy ways to learn French vocabulary (choose only one!)

  • Why you don’t want to use pre-made flashcard decks.

  • How to defeat the dreaded forgetting curve

  • The two misconceptions that ruin your confidence & how to avoid them.

  • How NOT to give up even if you feel that you suck

Uncover your French life:

  • The most important document you can have in your French study

  • How to tailor your French study to your personal goals (and always know what to do next)

  • How to enjoy “studying” so much you won’t notice how fast you're learning.

  • How to avoid wasting your time on irrelevant and boring resources.

  • Two easy hacks to find French resources you’ll love online.

  • How to identify the French books you can read right now

  • A one page document that shows your progress and what you have left to accomplish at one glance.

  • Habit trouble-shooting: 4 simple steps to fix a broken routine.

  • 4 easy ways to get back on track if you’ve fallen off 

Become fluent:

  • How to learn as little French as possible and still get fluent 

  • The best grammar book to use.

  • 7 places where you can practice French with native speakers - both online and offline.

  • How to find people to speak with for free - and why you don’t want too many of them.

  • 2 traps to avoid when finding speaking partners

  • The secret to conversations that work: how to talk to natives and understand their answers

  • How to avoid repeating the same conversation over and over

  • 27 tools to improve your French

Secret techniques you’ve never heard of:

  • The French words you should NEVER learn.

  • A creative visualization & journaling exercise to design your future French life

  • How to make sure everything you do helps you (not hinders you!)

  • 3 deadly pitfalls that most learners fall into and how to avoid them

  • The exact words you need to type in search engines to find the best and newest French content.

  • How to harness social media algorithms and make them work for you, not against you.

  • How to make sense of the A1, A2, B1 level nonsense.

  • How to defeat the problematic conflicts of interest that end up sabotaging your study.

  • How polyglots use Harry Potter as a secret strategy, and how you can too.

  • The magic of passive study - this is the missing link no one told you about!

  • How this ➡️ 🛀 will help you learn French (use everyday!)

  • The 10-minute a month ritual that will save you many hours of study

  • How a machiavellian technique from Nestle’s marketing department can make you study French, whether you want it or not.

  • How to turn apps’ manipulative methods to your advantage so you reach your goals (not theirs!)

Learning with the French Life Launchpad will save you so much time and money.

Imagine: you’ll never have to sign up for another class, or buy another useless book, ever again.

You’ll also know what not to learn and you won’t waste any time on what’s irrelevant.

All things considered, the French Life Launchpad is much cheaper than any alternative, and much more efficient too. Save the extra money for your next trip!

One last thing:

This way of learning doesn’t require a lot of time or effort - it should even be entertaining. But it does require persistence and commitment.

Uncovering your French life requires many small shifts.

It’s not for people who just want to play with an app. It’s fine to use an app once in a while, but if it’s all you’re willing to do, this course isn’t for you.

But if you’re ready to change your life one little shift at a time, to learn and to grow into the French speaker that you are meant to be, then you’ll love the French Life Launchpad and the new life you’ll create with it.

The course has 3 modules.

You’ll be able to take the course with videos (live recordings) and pdf workbooks. An audio is also included so you can listen in your car.

You have life-time access.

You’ll be able to study at your own rhythm and to return to the course any time.

Your instructor:

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Hi, I’m Angel Pretot & I will be your coach on this journey.

After a master’s degree and 15 years of teaching and coaching French learners, I’m still obsessed with improving the methods I use. I love seeing my students learn faster and better, and create wonderful French lives for themselves.

Other than that, I’m an actual Frenchman who loves cheese, coming from a monolingual French family who’s still wondering what’s wrong with me, moving abroad & learning five languages to fluency. I live in Vienna, Austria, and I have been through all the expat struggles - only with German.

I designed this course to solve the most common issues that French learners have:

It gives you a framework, and I walk you through it step by step to create your ideal French learning environment. I made sure to give you all the tools so you can choose what will work best for you.

Learning a language successfully has nothing to do with intelligence. Every baby does it when their brain is barely developed.

If you have been unable to learn French in the past, it’s probably because the methods you used were inept and never focused on teaching you how to speak in the first place. This course does the exact opposite. It’s a deep dive in how to practice French at every occasion - and even create those occasions if they don’t come up right now.

It can feel weird to learn French by taking an online course, rather than working with a “real teacher”. But, learning a language is not about what tool you use to learn it, it’s about living life in that language. In that sense a teacher is even counterproductive. This course shows you how to select resources that work for you and truly have fun with the language until you can speak it naturally. It’s also cheaper and more flexible than going to a class.

Many French learners feel that they won’t have the discipline to learn on their own.

Let’s be honest: discipline doesn’t work. You can only force yourself for so long to do something that’s not enjoyable. What works is to 1) build solid learning habits & 2) have so much fun with it that you want to keep doing it more and more. That’s what I teach in this course.

It’s a common misconception that learning a language requires a lot of time. Thanks to narrowing down what you need to learn, taking advantage of your existing schedule, and creating habits, you won’t need a lot of time to learn French efficiently. In fact, it works better if you don’t have a lot of time: you will be forced to integrate French into your existing life, which is the key to success.

Finally, some French learners are afraid that they won’t find people who are willing to practice French with them. This is absolutely not true. You only need to know a couple of tips to find an unlimited stream of people to practice with (both online & offline) - it’s a bit too easy so I’ll also teach you how to select them, so you don’t waste your limited time.

Are you ready for take off?